Welcome to TopKidsToys.org, the most trusted buying guide of moms and dads!
We know how important the happiness, safety and development of your kid is to you! That’s why we created this website with the mission of helping every parent out there select only the best products for their child. Our team of reviewers and parents recommends only the products that are tested and considered of top-notch quality, safe, educational and fun.
You can easily navigate our website categories to choose the best toys based on gender, age or toy type:
- Toddler & Baby Toys: read about the best toys for newborns and infants: teething toys, books for infants, stuffed animals, musical toys, and much more;
- Boy Toys: find out what are the best toys for boys of every age, from 1 year to preteens: anything your baby boy may desire, from cars and outdoor toys to logo and building toys;
- Girl Toys classified by age, from 1 to 13 years: dolls, books, educational toys, ride on toys, roller skates and so much more;
- Toys by Type: action figures, books, dolls, electric toys, educational toys, video games, building toys, musical toys, outdoor toys, puzzles and games, ride on toys, sports toys, etc;